Welcome to the Dover eBook Help Center. Here you'll find answers to the most common questions regarding eBooks purchased directly from Dover on our website, www.doverpublications.com.
What eBook formats do you offer?
Our eBooks are available in .epub format — compatible with most devices, including PC and Mac, Kindle, Android devices, and Apple devices. *Note for Kindle users: in mid-2022 Amazon announced they would begin supporting .epub format for Kindle devices. We previously offered ebooks in .mobi format for Kindle, but new ebooks must now be sent in .epub format for Kindle. See below for more details on reading ebooks on Kindle devices.
Do eBooks of Clip Art and Design titles include digital image downloads?
No. The eBook editions of our clip art and design titles are simply digital versions of the print book. They do not include individual image files for the images included. However, many of the images from Dover's clip art and design titles are available as digital downloads from Clipart.com. You can browse all of Dover's images available from Clipart.com here.
How do I purchase eBooks from Dover?
Books available as eBooks on our website will have "eBook" available in the Formats dropdown on the upper right part of the product page. Make sure "eBook" is selected, then click the "Add to Cart" button to add the ebook to your cart. Add any other titles you wish to purchase to your cart, then complete the Checkout process to complete your order. You will receive a confirmation email once your purchase is complete. *Note: We can only accept orders from customers in the United States and its territories.
Can I buy eBooks for my school or library?
eBooks purchased from www.doverpublications.com are for personal use only. At this time, we do not have a means to facilitate requests for eBooks on the distribution level at www.doverpublications.com. We suggest you check into a service like Ingram, Amazon, Kobo, Apple, Google, Overdrive, Scribd, etc..
How do I access the eBooks I bought?
You may access your eBook purchases at any time through My eBookshelf. You can find a link to My eBookshelf at the top of your Account page.
*Important Note: You must first register and create an account to access your eBookshelf, using the same email address you used to order your eBook(s). If you have not already registered and created an account: click here to register now.
For customers with eBooks from our old website, you can access your old eBooks in the same way: go to Account and click "My eBookshelf". If you have not already created an account on our new website or set your password, you will need to do so. Please be sure to register with the same email address you used previously to purchase your eBooks. If you need additional help, Contact Us.
How do I download my eBooks to my iPad or other tablet?
Visit My eBookshelf on your iPad or tablet. Click on the cover of the book you wish to download, and then click the "epub" button to download the file.
How do I read my eBooks on an Android device?
To read eBooks on your Android device, you will need an app that can read ebooks in .epub format, such as the Google Play Books app (available free from the Google Play store). There are other free eBook apps as well. If you are using Google Play Books, click here for their helpful instructions on how to upload an .epub file once you have downloaded the app.
How do I read eBooks on my computer?
To read eBooks on your computer you will need to download Adobe Digital Editions. You can download Adobe Digital Editions for Mac or Windows for free here: Adobe Digital Editions.
*Note: sometimes a computer will try to use Adobe Acrobat to open an .epub file, and it will give an error message. If this happens, you may wish to open Adobe Digital Editions first, and then open the .epub file. To do this: Open Adobe Digital Editions, go to the File menu, and select "Add to Library". Then, browse to find your .epub file that you downloaded from the ebookshelf (it will typically saved in your Downloads folder).
How do I download the .epub eBook file format?
To download the .epub eBook file from your eBookshelf, click on the cover of the book you wish to download, and then click the "epub" button to download the file. You will then be asked to select the folder where you want to save your file (or, depending on your settings, it may be saved to a default location such as Downloads). To read eBooks on your computer, you will need to download Adobe Digital Editions (see above for additional instructions).
How do I read my eBooks on my Kindle?
[*Note: In mid-2022 Amazon announced they would begin supporting .epub format for Kindle devices. We previously offered ebooks in .mobi format for Kindle, but new ebooks must now be sent in .epub format for Kindle.]
To read eBooks purchased at www.doverpublications on your Kindle, download the .epub file format to your computer and then email the .epub eBook file to your Kindle address.
To download the .epub eBook file from your eBookshelf, click on the cover of the book you wish to download, and then click the "epub" button to download the file. You will then be asked to select the folder where you want to save your file. Pay attention to which folder you select before clicking the "Save" button. Most devices will automatically direct you to your Downloads folder. The .epub eBook file is now saved on your computer and ready to send to your Kindle for upload.
You can find your Kindle email address under Manage Your Kindle at www.amazon.com. Once you have emailed the file from your computer, use your Kindle device to select Sync & Check for Items to access the eBook title.
*Note about large files: some .epub eBook files may be too large to email to your Kindle (for example, some of our Dover Thrift Editions that are hundreds of pages). To transfer large files to your Kindle:
1) Connect your Kindle to your computer. Use the cable that came with your Kindle to connect the e-reader to the USB port of your computer. The Kindle should be visible as an external disk or drive.
2) Copy the files to the Kindle. Click on the Kindle disk image or drive. Inside, you'll see a folder named "documents." Copy the .epub file from your computer into this folder.
If you previously downloaded ebooks from Dover in .mobi format and sent them to your Kindle, they will continue to work on your Kindle. However, if you previously downloaded the .mobi format and did not send it to your Kindle, you should now download the .epub format to send it to your Kindle. Starting sometime in 2022 the Send to Kindle process will no longer support adding new ebooks to your Kindle if they are in .mobi format.