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We launched the Dover Engineering publishing program in 1959 with a low-priced reprint of Richard von Mises' Theory of Flight, the most balanced, well-written account of fundamental fluid dynamics ever published. Since then, we have published more than 120 of the most important works in the field. This month, we place the spotlight on our Engineering texts, offering an interview with John Lienhard, the author of A Heat Transfer Textbook: Fourth Edition, a free excerpt from the new book Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence and Robustness by Shankar Sastry and Marc Bodson, and more. |
We offer a wide range of classic and contemporary textbooks for core courses on heat transfer, elasticity, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and aerospace engineering. Handpicked by Dover's expert editors, this special collection of books represents the 25 top titles in our engineering collection. You'll find everything from Holt Ashley and Marten Landahl's Aerodynamics of Wings and Bodies to Theory of Elastic Stability by Stephen P. Timoshenko and James M. Gere. |
As you know, not only do we publish fine books on engineering, we also offer the most affordable editions available of major works in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, biology and medicine, computer science and operations research, earth science, general science, physics, and recreational math. We've made it easy for you to browse all of our latest titles. |
A specialist in the fields of heat transfer and fluid mechanics, John H. Lienhard V is a Professor at MIT, where he is the Associate Head for Education and Director of the Center for Clean Water and Clean Energy. Mr. Lienhard is also the author--along with his father John H. Lienhard IV--of the recently published A Heat Transfer Textbook: Fourth Edition. Rochelle Kronzek, an engineering acquisitions editor for Dover, sat down with Dr. Lienhard to talk about his research in the area of desalination, his influences, and more. |
Recently published, Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence and Robustness by Shankar Sastry and Marc Bodson surveys the major results and techniques of analysis in the field of adaptive control. Focusing on linear, continuous time, single-input, single-output systems, the authors offer a clear, conceptual presentation of adaptive methods, enabling a critical evaluation of these techniques and suggesting avenues of further development. It's easy to see what the book has to offer with a free excerpt of the Introduction. |
This month's Puzzle Corner features a variety of complex and challenging problems from What Is the Name of This Book? The Riddle of Dracula and Other Logical Puzzles by Raymond M. Smullyan, the famed mathematician, logician, magician, puzzler, philosopher, pianist, and man of many parts. |
I hope you enjoy your latest Dover Math and Science Newsletter. If you have any suggestions on upcoming themes, or have an idea for a book you would like us to publish, please let me know. |
Until next month, |
John Grafton
Senior Editor |